Standout Sequencing
Do you sometimes feel like you’re lacking that extra little bit that takes a class from basic to brilliant? It is easy to run dry at times when it comes to being inspired for our sequencing and we may feel that we are becoming repetitive or lacking in creativity. Here’s a few tips on keeping classes creative and fresh without over complicating just for the sake of it. These key points have worked for me and I hope they work for you as well.
- Structure: Have a basic structure to your class, a class skeleton that you work from and that works for you, so that you don’t have to entirely rewrite your classes each time. You may tweak it at times if you feel something is not working or can be improved, but stick to a base template to simplify your teaching. Within that structure, you can introduce new postures every week and your classes will still always feel fresh to your yogis.
- Story: Work with a theme to each class. It will allow your students to learn and grow and will enable your teaching to be focused and your instructions in class to follow a clear thread.
- Simplicity: Keep it simple. If you are doing a class on the chakras for example, work with one at a time. Don’t overload your students or they will retain very little. As much as we may be fluent in what we teach, our students are generally not, so it is best that we deliver the teachings in manageable bite size offerings of knowledge that they can continue to chew on after class absorbing the teachings.
- Power: In the same way as you keep the theme simple, do not overload them with postures. Build up to a peak posture gradually, layering the postures in a way that makes sense anatomically, rather than throwing things in just because…. Less is more.
- Play: If you are stuck in a rut and lack inspiration, get out. Go and see an art exhibition, a film at the cinema, go for a bike ride or a walk, anything that will freshen up your perspective. Inspiration comes to us as much off the mat, as on the mat.
- Pace: Slow it down. Do not rush your class through the practice. Give your students time to experience the postures and the challenge in each posture. Allow time and space to breathe.
- Savour: Allow for enough downtime. Students love savasana. Don’t short-change them!
I will be teaching a workshop in March with an opportunity for you to refine your sequencing skills. We’ll explore how to stay inspired and keep our students interested and invested. The session will be interactive and you will have the opportunity to put the teachings into practice with group work. We have extended the workshop to 2 days following feedback from previous workshops that 1 1/2 days wasn’t enough time to explore and play! Find out more and book here. Hope to see you there.
All the best, Erika